Annual Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Congress

Annual Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Congress

Location USA USA - San Diego
Start Date Sep 17, 2018
End Date Sep 18, 2018
Event Type Congress
Subject Area Nanobiotechnology


Annual Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Congress, will be organized around the theme “Future prospects in Biotechnology for Economic Growth”. Industrial Biotechnology 2018 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Industrial Biotechnology 2018.


 - Molecular Bio sensing , Bio robotics and Biomarkers
 - Biotechnology in Vaccine Production
 - Fermentation technology
 - Enzyme Engineering and Drug Discovery
 - Biochemistry and Protein Engineering
 - Genetic Engineering and CRISPR/Cas 9 Technology
 - Biomaterials, Bio polymers & Biosensors
 - Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Computational Biomedicine
 - Industrial Biotechnology and Nutrigenomics
 - Animal Biotechnology and Marine Biotechnology
 - Microbial Biotechnology and Food Processing
 - Pharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnology
 - Agriculture Biotechnology & Agro-forestry
 - Petroleum Biotechnology and Green chemicals
 - Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology
 - Industrial and Chemical Biotechnology
 - Environmental Biotechnology and Waste Water Management
 - Bio manufacturing, Bio refinery and Biofuels
 - Nano-biotechnology and Bio therapeutics
 - Bioprocessing & Secondary Metabolites
 - Molecular Biology