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World-first quantum computer simulation of chemical bonds using trapped ions: Quantum chemistry expected to be one of the first applications of full-scale quantum computers

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

Simulation of chemical bonds and reactions is expected to be one of the first applications for at-scale quantum computers. Physicists have now demonstrated the world-first simulation of a chemical bond using trapped ion qubits, one of the most pro...

Jul 24, 2018

Improving biosensors for implantable use   -   Scientific News Websites

EPFL scientists have developed new nanotube biosensors using synthetic biology, which improves their sensing capabilities in complex biofluids, such as blood and urine. The study is published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.

Jul 24, 2018

Beyond silicon: $1.5 billion U.S. program aims to spur new types of computer chips

Science   -   Scientific News Websites

With the end of Moore’s law looming, researchers look to materials such as carbon nanotubes

Jul 24, 2018

Improving nanotube biosensors for implantable sensing

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Scientists have developed new nanotube biosensors using synthetic biology, which improves their sensing capabilities in complex biofluids, such as blood and urine.

Jul 24, 2018

Relax, just break it   -   Scientific News Websites

The properties of a solid depend on the arrangement of its atoms, which form a periodic crystal structure. At the nanoscale, arrangements that break this periodic structure can drastically alter the behavior of the material, but this is difficult...

Jul 24, 2018

A new 'periodic table' for nanomaterials   -   Scientific News Websites

A new approach could help materials scientists identify the appropriate molecules to use in order to synthesize target nanomaterials. The method was developed by Daniel Packwood of Kyoto University's Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences...

Jul 24, 2018

Graphene Jacket drapes you in everyone's favourite wonder material

New Atlas   -   Scientific News Websites

High-tech outdoor clothing company Vollebak likes going mad with gadgetry and advanced materials, and its latest jacket takes highly desirable geek unobtanium to dangerous levels. It's called the Graphene Jacket, and it's a jacket …...

Jul 24, 2018

Nanocrystals Emit Light by Efficiently ‘Tunneling’ Electrons

Technology Org   -   Scientific News Websites

Using advanced fabrication techniques, engineers at the University of California San Diego have built a nanosized device out

Jul 24, 2018

Imec Beats Silicon PV with 27.1 Percent Perovskite-Silicon Tandem

AZoNano   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Imec, the world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics, energy and digital technology, within the partnership of EnergyVille, today announced a record result for its 4-terminal...

Jul 24, 2018

Real-time imaging of chemical processes

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Scientists observe the real-time formation of hollow structures in the galvanic replacement reaction between silver and gold with nanometre resolution, gaining insights on the mechanisms behind the structural transformations.

Jul 24, 2018