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Physicists design a nano-resonator with strong nonlinear response

Technology Org   -   Scientific News Websites

An international research team has found a way to make light frequency conversion at the nanoscale a hundred

Jul 23, 2018

Nanocrystals emit light by efficiently 'tunneling' electrons

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

Using advanced fabrication techniques, engineers have built a nanosized device out of silver crystals that can generate light by efficiently 'tunneling' electrons through a tiny barrier. The work brings plasmonics research a step closer to realizi...

Jul 23, 2018

Engineers model a graphene-based artificial synapse after the human brain

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

A team of researchers have developed an 'artificial synapse' that does not process information like a digital computer but rather mimics the analog way the human brain completes tasks.

Jul 23, 2018

Optically Levitated Nanodumbbell Could Further Study of Quantum Mechanics

Photonics Media   -   Scientific News Websites

Using levitated optomechanics, a man-made rotor has been created that can spin at 60 billion revolutions per minute. Such ultrafast rotation could be used to study material properties and probe vacuum friction. Researchers from Purdue University...

Jul 23, 2018

Optically Levitated Nanodumbbell Could Further Study of Quantum Mechanics

Photonics Media   -   Scientific News Websites

Using levitated optomechanics, a man-made rotor has been created that can spin at 60 billion revolutions per minute. Such ultrafast rotation could be used to study material properties and probe vacuum friction. Researchers from Purdue University...

Jul 23, 2018

Building blocks of life   -   Scientific News Websites

A collaborative research team based in Japan has designed new proteins that can self-assemble into the complex structures underlying biological organisms, laying the groundwork for leading-edge applications in biotechnology. The researchers creat...

Jul 23, 2018

Nanocrystals emit light by efficiently 'tunneling' electrons   -   Scientific News Websites

Using advanced fabrication techniques, engineers at the University of California San Diego have built a nanosized device out of silver crystals that can generate light by efficiently "tunneling" electrons through a tiny barrier. The work brings pl...

Jul 23, 2018

Scientists report a new strategy to combine microwave thermal therapy with infection inhibition to effectively treat cancer

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Scientists propose a novel tumor treatment strategy for simultaneous ablating tumor and inhibiting infection by using specially designed biodegradable metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The strategy of simultaneous eradicating tumor tissue and inhib...

Jul 23, 2018

Scientists report a new strategy to combine microwave thermal therapy with infection inhibition to effectively treat cancer

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Scientists propose a novel tumor treatment strategy for simultaneous ablating tumor and inhibiting infection by using specially designed biodegradable metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The strategy of simultaneous eradicating tumor tissue and inhib...

Jul 23, 2018

Nanocrystals emit light by efficiently 'tunneling' electrons

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Using advanced fabrication techniques, engineers have built a nanosized device out of silver crystals that can generate light by efficiently 'tunneling' electrons through a tiny barrier.

Jul 23, 2018