According to the #NNI supplement to the president's 2022 budget, foundational research continues to be the largest area of #investment, accounting for 47% of the proposed NNI total for 2022. NSF, NIH, DOE, and DOD are the largest contributors to this PCA, Respectively.
The 2021 US #Nanotechnology Initiative #Strategic_Plan program emphasizes the expansion and modernization of research #infrastructures in the United States and develops support for researchers and #small_businesses across the United States.
#Foundational_research continues to be the largest area of #investment, accounting for 44% of the #NNI total for 2021. #NSF is the largest contributor followed by #DOE, #NIH, and #DOD.
The most important #indication of #liposomal #doxorubicin is the treatment of ovarian cancer, AIDS-related Kaposi’s sarcoma, multiple myeloma, and other solid tumors.
#South_Africa has the highest #international_collaboration in publishing #nano_articles with #India, followed by the United States. But in recent years, this collaboration has shifted more towards other African countries.
#Claytronics is the product of the convergence of #nanotechnology and #information_technology. Such materials would be composed of #catoms which would be the smallest indivisible units of the #programmable_matter.
Microorganisms such as microalgae, yeasts, #fungi, #bacteria, and even #viruses can be utilized as biofactories to produce single and multi-element #inorganic_nanomaterials under mild conditions.
#Audible_sound can control chemical reactions in solution by continuously supplying energy sources into the #interface between air and the solution.
#InnoMatLife - founded by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment - is a joint research project investigating the #health and environmental risk of novel materials. The project considers the full material life cycle, from synthesis to disposal.
#Crystalline_cellulose is the most abundant #birefringent #biocrystal in nature shows birefringent properties that can be used in printing #invisible_designs and #anti_fraud applications.
The U.S. National Academies have recommended that #NNI agencies should use innovation incentive prizes as #XPrize and #InnoCentive to engage a broader community to solve problems.
#India is becoming the largest producer of #nano_fertilizers in the world.
Competence-building in #neutron_scattering is one of the #indicators of the primary #objective in #Norway #NANO2021 program.
#China is the best at addressing #emergent_nanotechnology_topics, followed by the #USA, #South_Korea, #India, and #Iran.
#Digital_Economy_and_Society and #Intelligent_Mobility are two of the six priorities of #Germany's nanotechnology 2020 #action_plan.