Search Result - #memory or "memory"

  • Using an insulation block #electrospinning process to manufacture orthogonal #nanofibers by controlling the alignment of nanofibers Korean researchers succeeded in developing a washable nanofiber-based face mask.


  • The colorimetric based #MIT technology can detect the #SARS_CoV_2 within 20 minutes using nanoparticle-bound #antibodies against a specific viral protein.


  • The first step in the clinical development of #Moderna's #mRNA vaccine against #SARS_CoV_2 (mRNA-1273) is being conducted by #NIH under its own Investigational New Drug application.


  • #mRNA technology has been widely used in many #nanotechnology_patents focusing on the #coronavirus (SARS / MERS) treatment approaches. 


  • Around 5.2 percent (478 patents) of all #coronavirus related patents so far registered are in the field of #nanotechnology.


  • The future of #therapeutics is potent biological drugs, many of which have #delivery challenges with respect to how much drug needs to be delivered to exactly where in the body, while minimizing #side_effects.


  • A vast majority of #nanotechnology_patents on #coronaviruses have focused on the #diagnostic methods based on #CRISPR technology.


  • Loading #antiviral agents on #graphene_oxide (GO) enhances its biocompatibility while reducing the cytotoxicity of both GO and the antiviral agents.


  • New #COVID_19 vaccine candidate has been developed using proprietary #recombinant_protein nanoparticle technology platform to generate antigens derived from the #coronavirus spike (S) protein.


  • Due to their two-dimensional structure, sharp edges, and negatively charged surfaces, #graphene_oxide nanosheets are capable of interacting with microorganisms such as #bacteria and #viruses.


  • Integrating a proprietary #nanorod technology into a #lateral_flow_test platform resulted in developing of a rapid screening test for the current #coronavirus, nCoV19.


  • #Nanofiber based #N95_respirators can block out at least 95 percent of the airborne particles larger than 2.5 microns, including droplets carrying #viruses and #bacteria.


  • Carbon #quantum_dots functionalized with boronic acid ligands can interfere with the function of #coronavirus S protein and significantly inhibit its entry into the host cells.


  • Nearly 3 percent of total patents in #USPTO and #EPO in 2019 are in the field of #nanotechnology while this share is about 10 percent for nanopublications.


  • European Roadmap for #Graphene has highlighted the Development of #fuel_cells for transportation, 6G and beyond wireless networks, on-chip optical data and spin-logic-devices for 2030 and beyond.


  • According to the Annual Report 2018 of #GRAPHENE_FLAGSHIP, the achievements are 145 partners, 31 partnering projects, 46 launched products, 9 spin-off companies, 25 granted patents, and 80+ promising application areas analyzed.


  • #InnoMatLife - founded by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment - is a joint research project investigating the #health and environmental risk of novel materials. The project considers the full material life cycle, from synthesis to disposal.


  • Leading technology candidates in the area of #coating in #NASA_roadmap 2035 are Biological Fouling Resistant Surfaces, Microbial Mitigation Surfaces, Anti-Icing Surfaces, and Tailored Thermal Emittance.


  • As part of a $218 million investment in the emerging field of #quantum_information science (QIS), the #DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences announced seven awards totaling $30 million over three years to develop QIS infrastructure and research.


  • #MXenes are expected to be good candidates for a host of applications since they have already shown promising performance in #energy_conversion and #electrochemical_storage systems.
