Search Result - #respirators or "respirators"

  • #LG_Chem has recently announced plans to increase the production capacity of #carbon_nanotubes from 500 to 1,700 tons per annum to meet #battery #market demands.


  • #DNA_sequencing technology is so close to #market launch that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued a #standard methodology for DNA sequencing and measurement.


  • The African Union recognizes #nanotechnology as a compelling imperative and identifies nanotechnology as one of six priority areas in its Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for #Africa 2024.


  • Using #carbon_nanotubes as anode-conductive additives allows for a reduction in the use of conductive materials by around 30 percent and increase the capacity of #lithium_ion_batteries.


  • A recent survey carried out in five selected EU countries shows that the majority (87 %) of study respondents want to know if the product they are buying contains #nanomaterials.


  • #Egypt is currently the top #nanotechnology research country in Africa, while #South_Africa has filed the most #patents and established the most nanotechnology companies and institutions.


  • The global nanotechnology #market is expected to reach USD 24.56 billion by 2025, from USD 7.24 billion in 2017 growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.5% during the forecast period of 2018 to 2025.


  • The new agreement between CEMEX and Carbon Upcycling in producing nanomaterials with greater reactivity and a lower carbon footprint, from industrial #CO2_emissions can results in the production of #concretes that meets the #construction industry's strictest requirements


  • Nanotechnology in #medical_devices #market is expected to reach a market value of USD 20.52 billion by 2027 growing with the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.9% in the forecast period of 2020-2027.


  • About 9500 nanotechnology #patent_applications have been published in #USPTO up to October 2020, more than half of them belong to the United States while China, South Korea, and Japan possess the next ranks.


  • About half of the world's #nano_articles are annually published in #Q1_journals. Singapore, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Switzerland have a large share of published articles in Q1 journals.


  • #Quantum_Foundry is a next-generation materials foundry that develops materials and interfaces hosting the coherent #quantum states needed to power the coming age of quantum-based #electronics.


  • #Audible_sound can control chemical reactions in solution by continuously supplying energy sources into the #interface between air and the solution.


  • #Nanocomposites composed of #nanocellulose and metal nanoparticles are soft and biocompatible materials for optical, catalytic, electrical, and biomedical applications.


  • Newly developed #graphene_oxide based #sensor platform can rapidly detect sepsis or the antibodies against the #coronavirus, also open the door to further applications including the detection of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide at room temperature.


  • #Singapore has the highest 5-year average citation per article with nearly 12000 #nano_articles published between 2015 and 2019, followed by #Australia.


  • The global #graphene #market generated $91.3 million in 2019, and is estimated to reach $1.36 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 40.2% from 2020 to 2027.


  • Specific benefits of Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMV) based #COVID_19 #vaccine include easier and non-invasive administration, rapid cost-effective production, potent intrinsic adjuvanticity and the increased safety and stability of OMV.


  • A newly developed technology called thermal scanning probe #lithography (t-SPL) utilizing a localized heat and pressure source, enables researchers to carve nanometric patterns into #2D_materials.


  • Using combined layers of #graphene and cubic #silicon_carbide to develop a graphene-based #photoelectrode researchers could turn carbon dioxide into fuel via #solar_energy.
